Wednesday at 2pm(PT), July 1, 2020
Learn from MSK experts on how to masterfully handle every step of a MSK case


Mammography is an Imaging procedure that uses low dose x-ray technology to detect abnormalities in breast tissue. Mammography, also known as a mammogram, plays an important part in the early detection of breast cancers.
A special device compresses one breast at a time to create an image of the tissue. Digital mammograms are becoming increasingly popular. A digital mammogram machine, like a digital camera, produces an image instantaneously on the computer screen, and stores its images on a computer. The technologist can see right away if the image is clear or if it needs to be taken again, thereby reducing the need for repeat visits.
At Shin Imaging, we have digital mammograms, which take less time and reduce the patient’s exposure to radiation. Studies show that digital mammography produces more detailed images than film mammography, which can enable a radiologist to identify breast diseases at an earlier stage.
We have Fuji Digital mammogram, GE 3D Mammogram(Senographe Pristina).

Special Instructions
The American Cancer Society recommends that you avoid wearing deodorant, talcum powder or lotion under your arms or on your breasts on the day of your mammogram. These can appear on the mammogram image as calcium spots.
Patients can be advised not to schedule a mammogram the week before their period to maximize their own comfort.

What to Expect
Once both you and your mammogram technician are ready to begin, the technician will position your breast in the mammography unit. One breast will be placed on a special platform and compressed with a clear paddle. Depending on the individual, breast compression may range from slightly uncomfortable to very uncomfortable. Compression of the breast creates a uniform tissue thickness for the x-ray image, which allows for a clearer, unobstructed image and reduces your exposure to x-ray radiation. The direction of the compression will be changed in between images to achieve a top-to-bottom view and a side view. The same process will be repeated for the other breast. You may be asked to hold your breath for a few seconds while the x-ray is being taken in order to get a clearer image. The mammography exam takes about 20 minutes.